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MFRA expects strong sanctions against player after referee assault

The Malta Football Referees Association issued a stern statement to condemn the incidents that happened during Saturday’s MAFA match where the match referee was assaulted by a Valletta Stars player during the match against Marsa St Michael.

Referee CJ Saliba was forced to suspend the match after 55 minutes after he was attacked by a Valletta Stars player.

The incident was condemned by the MAFA governing body, the Malta Football Association, and Valletta Stars with the latter also declaring that the player had been indefinitely suspended for his actions.

“The Malta Football Referees Association totally condemns the attack on one of their members who was officiating a match from the MAFA Division One championship,” the referees’ body said in a statement.

“As a result of this physical assault, the official ended on the floor after losing his consciousness and had to be aided by his assistant referees to leave the stadium.

“Later on, he underwent a number of medical tests at the Paola Health Centre as well as the Mater Dei Hospital.”

The MFRA said that it has noted the club’s immediate actions to suspend the players indefinitely and now await the Malta FA Disciplinary Body to take strong actions against the player.

“The MFRA noted the immediate action taken by the club committee to suspend the player indefinitely,” it said.

“The MFRA now awaits that the MFA Disciplinary Body to take strong disciplinary action against the same player. These disciplinary measures should send a clear and strong message that any form of attack on a match official is not acceptable and will be dealt with in a very serious way.

“While we await the verdict from the disciplinary body, the MFRA appeals for more respect towards match officials.”

Following this, the amateur club, one of two representing the capital within MAFA, issued a statement confirming the fact that they condemn the player’s actions and have expelled him from the club.

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